Alamo Radio Control Society, Inc.

(210) 987-2647

Membership Application

ARCS Membership

Learning how to fly properly is very important, especially when you consider how expensive it can be to continue buying new planes. That's why ARCS teaches RC planes for beginners. Contact us in San Antonio, Texas, for more information.

Join the Club

Being a member of the ARCS offers you an opportunity to become an active participant. Our flying site is stable, our instructor program will help you get started if you are a novice, and our membership is composed of a lot of friendly folks who share a common interest.

As a new member, you will probably have some questions. You should also understand that you are expected to contribute time and effort in support of club activities. Should you be a newcomer to aeromodelling, you will encounter questions concerning building, flying, and participation in club activities. You will find that the ARCS members are very helpful with the answers to these and other questions you may have. Just feel free to ask any member at the flying field or monthly meeting, which is held on the third Tuesday of the month.

To qualify as a member in good standing, you must also possess a current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership. This requirement provides basic insurance coverage and affords us representation in a national organization that has our modeling best interest in mind. It also is a provision in the club's land lease.

If you would like to become an ARCS member, please fill out our application. The application is in MS Word format and can be saved and attached to an email. It is recommended that the applications be sent to both and via e-mail. The application can also be sent to the club treasurer by United States mail or carried to the monthly club meetings.

A. Generalized Fees

  1. Each new open AMA member of the corporation shall pay annual dues of $60 by December 31. A new field surcharge of $25/year will be added to the dues. It will be used to defray the costs of new field acquisition and maintenance. Funds will be "earmarked" for such purposes and deposited in a savings account. New corporation members' dues will be prorated if joining after June 30. It will be prorated $5/month for the months remaining in the current year. The new field surcharge will be prorated at $2/month for the months remaining in the current year. For each youth member, full-time student member under 25, inactive member, and AMA extra family member, the field surcharge is waived.
  2. All AMA youth members pay reduced dues. Those annual dues will be for the amount of $10, paid on the day they become a member. The initial year's dues shall be prorated at $1 per month — if it's less than a full year.
  3. Any full-time student age 25 or younger is eligible for reduced dues. Those annual dues will be for the amount of $10, paid on the day becoming a member. The initial year's dues shall be prorated at $1 per month — if it's less than a full year.
  4. Personnel who are temporarily in the San Antonio, Texas, area for a period of no more than 180 days, desire to use the flying facilities of the corporation, but do not become a member of the corporation shall be assessed a fee of $5 per month for flying site privileges. They must show proof of current AMA membership.
  5. A person possessing an AMA extra family member who is a direct family member of an ARCS charter member is eligible for reduced dues. Those dues will be for the amount of $10 paid on the day they're becoming a member. The initial year's dues shall be prorated at $1 per month if it's for less than a full year.
  6. The treasurer will provide stickers for the AMA card to show proof of corporate yearly dues payment.

B. Fees and Special Assessments

Each new adult member of the corporation shall be assessed an initiation fee of $50. AMA youth members and full-time students age 25 or under are obligated to pay an initiation fee of $15 and will have no voting rights. Initiation fees are waived for all former ARCS members. Initiation fees will be waived for active adult and youth members in good standing of RC clubs within Atascosa, Bexar, Comal, Edwards, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Kendall, Medina, and Wilson Counties.