Alamo Radio Control Society, Inc.

(210) 987-2647

Membership Application

Keeping the Field Safe

Here at ARCS in San Antonio, Texas, safety is very important to us. We know that all of our members put a lot of time and effort into crafting each individual AMA model. We want to do everything we can to help protect them.

Field Safety Rules

A. Spectator and Vehicle Control

1. Spectators will be restricted to the designated area.

2. Automobiles will be restricted to the designated roadway and parking area. Retrieval of downed aircraft and crashes must be on foot and through perimeter gates.

B. The official AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code applies to all flying activities.

1. I will have completed a successful radio equipment ground range check before the first flight of a new or repaired model.

2. I will not fly my model aircraft in the presence of spectators until I become a qualified flier, unless assisted by an experienced flyer.

3. At all flying sites, a straight or curved line(s) must be established in front of which all flying takes place with the other side for spectators. Only personnel involved with flying the aircraft are allowed at or in the front of the flight line. Intentional flying behind the flight line is prohibited.

4. I will operate my model using only radio control frequencies currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (Only properly licensed amateurs are authorized to operate equipment on amateur band frequencies).

5. I will not knowingly operate my model within 3 miles of a preexisting flying site, except in accordance with the frequency sharing agreement listed below in this paragraph. Flying sites separated by 3 miles or more are considered safe from site-to site interference, even when both sites use the same frequencies. Any circumstances under 3 miles separation require a frequency management arrangement, which may be either an allocation of specific frequencies for each site or testing to determine that freedom from interference exists. Allocation plans or interference test reports shall be signed by the parties involved and provided to AMA headquarters. Documents of agreement and reports may exist between 2 or more AMA-chartered clubs.

6. For combat, the distance between the combat engagement line and the spectator line will be 500' per cu. in. of engine displacement. (Example: 0.40 engine = 200 feet.). Electric motors will be based on equivalent combustion engine size. Additional safety requirements will be per the RC Combat section of the current competition regulations.

7. At air shows or model flying demonstrations, a single straight line must be established — one side of which is for flying, with the other side for spectators.

8. With the exception of events flown under AMA competition rules, after launch (except for pilots or helpers being used), no powered model may be flown closer than 25' to any person.

9. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch a powered model in flight. Nor should any part of the model other than the landing gear, intentionally touch the ground, except while landing.

10. All officials, callers, and contestants must properly wear helmets (which are approved by OSHA, DOT, ANSI, SNELL, NOCSAE, or comparable standard) while on the racecourse with aircraft(s) in flight.

C. Following are some additional ARCS regulations.

1. Knife-edge wings are not allowed.

2. Metal propellers are not allowed.

3. Engines must have installed a spinner or rounded propeller nut of not less than 1/8" radius.

4. Engine size is limited to a displacement based on AMA requirements.

5. Models must be identified as required by AMA requirements.

6. Mufflers are mandatory on all engines of .15 cu. in. or more displacement. Flow-through mufflers are not allowed. Tuned pipes are allowed. Four-strokes, diesels, and electrics are excluded from the muffler rule. It is a club rule for all aircrafts to be operated with a maximum sound level of 98db measured at 9'.

D. Transmitter Control

1. To possess a frequency pin, members must affix their AMA card to the pin position on the frequency control board prior to use. Use frequency pins on 2.4 GHz radios please. This allows us to see who is a "guest flier" and control frequency use.

2. Standard frequency flags will be displayed on the transmitter antenna (except 2.4 GHz transmitters).

3. A transmitter impound area is provided, and all transmitters will be placed in the impound area.

4. All transmitters will be impounded without exception.

5. All flyers are to check the impound area for transmitters left on before and after picking up and returning a frequency pin.

6. Maximum time for possession of a frequency pin without securing permission of other flyers present on that specific frequency is 20 minutes.

E. Flying Areas and Procedures

1. Flying is permitted from 9:00 a.m. to Sunset daily. Electric aircrafts may start flying at 8:00 a.m. Flying is prohibited on Christmas and New Year's days.

2. Flying is not allowed over the pit areas or spectators.

3. The approved flying area is defined from the east side of the runway edge to the north and west paved runway. Helicopter and aircraft flying is allowed west of the runway beyond the parking area. The area to the south and east of the runway is a no fly zone. The pilot should stand at the concrete pilot positions on the south side of the runway.

4. Do not fly over the landowner's house! Align your pattern with the church on Macdona Lacoste Road if you must fly that far away.

5. Avoid flying over any public road.

6. A pilot may request that the field be closed for a test flight.

7. When 2 or more pilots are flying at the same time, it is recommended that an observer be present when possible. The duties of the observer are to inform the flyers concerning other models in flight and to provide information to all pilots concerning such events as impending landings, touch-and-go maneuvers, dead stick landings, and equipment problems.

8. New flyers must demonstrate their ability to a club instructor pilot before soloing. Novice flyers must have an experienced flyer by their side to lend assistance if required. Solo flight includes but is not limited to:

a. Safe Takeoff

b. Ability To Fly Straight & Level Flight

c. Right & Left Turns

d. Touch-&-Go Landing

e. Full-Stop Landing

9. Club instructors are designated by the chief flight instructor after they have initialed and signed the ARCS Flight Safety Program and completed a flight demonstration, if requested. Club instructors will not impose undue stress on a beginner's aircraft or fly them in an unsafe manner. Instructors will fly beginner's aircraft as smoothly and level as possible unless specifically asked by the owner of the aircraft to exhibit reasonable aerobatics for that particular aircraft.

10. There shall be a maximum of 4 flyers in the air simultaneously unless the 5th flyer has requested and received approval of the other 4 flyers to fly.

11. If a full-size aircraft or helicopter enters the ARCS airspace, it is recommended that all RC aircraft remain below 400' until the full-size craft leaves the ARCS airspace. Fliers should use their best judgment to determine the safety of both the full-size craft and everyone on the ground, keeping overall safety at the forefront of their activities.

12. Except for electric RC ducted fan aircraft, no electric RC aircraft are allowed in the pavilion with the propeller(s) attached. If it is necessary to work on such an electric RC aircraft in the pavilion, the propeller(s) must be removed. Only then can the aircraft be armed to check operation. It is also strongly recommended that tie down ropes be used for any electric RC ducted fan aircraft operation in the pavilion area.

F. Pit Areas

1. Pit operations will be restricted to the designated areas.

2. Engine running is not allowed under the pavilion area.

3. ARCS will provide and maintain a permanent adequate first aid kit at the flying site.

4. Takeoffs are not allowed from the taxiway.

5. As described above, electric RC aircraft with external propeller(s) attached can only be armed (battery connected) in the pit area and not in the pavilion.

G. Special Flights

Special flights of models that do not comply with AMA regulations can be undertaken only if:

1. The individual obtains approval of the safety officer.

2. The pilot provides proof of additional liability insurance.

3. The field is closed for flight.

Other operations as approved by the Board of Directors.

Courtesy pays great dividends. Each member is obligated to ensure that they are not discourteous and that they are setting a good example. This means not only observing the safety rules but also giving consideration to others.